Freefincal Investor Circle

Important Terms and conditions:

  1. No refunds are possible under any circumstance.
  2. Membership is only for individuals and should not be shared.
  3. The above tools can be used for personal or professional purposes (e.g. advisory, report preparation etc.). They should not be re-distributed in any form or manner without prior consent.
  4. You are free to modify the tools at will for the above purposes.
  5. Suppose the results from these tools are used in any form of content accessible to the public - articles, videos, social media posts etc. - the appropriate credit should be given to the source:
  6. The tools have been created with the latest version of Excel. They are unlikely to work with very old versions of Excel (e.g. 2007). The power query function is necessary for the data extraction modules to work. No refund will be provided if one or more tools do not work with your Excel version.
  7. The functioning of the data extraction modules (standalone or bundled in) depends on the availability of external websites, which is beyond our control. These modules may no longer work if these websites change their content delivery method. All other modules will continue to work.
  8. While the tools have been extensively tested for errors, we cannot guarantee they are free of them. If members bring any error to our attention, they will be addressed as soon as possible.
  9. The freefincal investor circle discussion forum is a place to discuss analysis methods, construction of calculators etc. It is not a place to discuss individual investments and seek public advice.
  10. The discretion of which tools (created in the past/future) to include in the investor circle is entirely up to the freefincal team.
  11. The tools listed under "coming soon" are under development. For various reasons or circumstances, it may not be possible to provide them in future.

